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Keeping Children Healthy and Strong with medical supplies

Our Kits for Kids provide personal hygiene and basic “medicine cabinet” items that are scarce in under-resourced communities and children impacted by crisis.


Providing Parents with Medical Essentials for their Kids

Project C.U.R.E. developed Kits for Kids in partnership with pediatricians and nurses. Kits for Kids are filled with the items that are available “over the counter” without a prescription.

The bags contain the items every parent should have to care for their kids, but are often not available in resource limited countries. Kits for Kids include such things as bandages, ointments, fever reducer, oral care, soap and more that may not be available where Project C.U.R.E. works.

The Assembly Process

Once you order kits for your group these are the steps you’ll take to help families in need. After the kits are assembled Project C.U.R.E. will then deliver the kits to families with children in areas of disaster, crises, and medically underserved regions of the world.

Kits for Kids Group Opportunities

A Hand’s-On Company Event: Kits for Kids is a great option for your company to engage employees with a hand’s-on packing party. Project C.U.R.E. will purchase the supplies, arrange delivery to your company or other venue. And we will help you manage the event and return the packed bags to a Project C.U.R.E. warehouse.

Churches, Schools and Clubs: Kits for Kids are a great opportunity for churches, schools and clubs. It’s simple: purchase the supplies, fill the Kits for Kids, share a note of encouragement and help keep kids healthy. We will provide you the Kits for Kits bags and help arrange to get them back to the Project C.U.R.E. warehouse.

To host a Packing Event, please email us at [email protected].

Getting the Kits to the Kids

Kids for Kids are distributed as a part of our C.U.R.E. Cargo program. They are provided to hospitals and clinics where medical professionals share them with parents caring for children. Kits for Kids are also distributed through our C.U.R.E. Clinics program.

Volunteer Programs for International Medical Relief

At the heart of Project C.U.R.E. are mission-driven people like you who want to give back. Our volunteers, ranging from doctors and nurses to young professionals and retirees, come from all walks of life. Volunteering is simple: find a nearby location, schedule a date, and sign up to use your unique skillsets.


Frequently Asked Questions

Other Medical Kits

Project C.U.R.E. Kits Programs all share the mission of delivering smaller, localized medical supply kits to points of need around the world. Each Kits Program is an opportunity for groups and individuals to participate in our life-saving work.

At the heart of Project C.U.R.E. are people like you who are willing to get involved by donating or volunteering. Together we can change the world!

Ranked by Forbes as one of the “20 Most Efficient Large U.S. Charities”.

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