Saving Newborns One Minute at a Time
Essential Newborn Care (ENC) is a suite of training course geared towards teaching local nurses, midwives, and traditional birth attendants in developing countries the most successful ways to save a newborn’s life in the first critical minute after birth, known as The Golden Minute. ENC is a Train-the-Trainer model, where U.S. trained facilitators travel to developing countries to train all who attend the births of babies. The end result is leaving them with the skills and education to train others in their communities, resulting in a sustainable program that repeats itself for years to come.
Project C.U.R.E. conducts ENC training in more than 15 countries worldwide to train local in-country nurses and birthing attendants on the HBS curriculum. Note: Open opportunities for ENC trips will be sent to our list of HBS Master Trainers when available.