Project C.U.R.E. has worked to change the lives of children, women and men in both Israel and Palestine for nearly three decades. We deeply grieve the loss of life, the wounding of innocents and the destruction of civil society. Our prayers go to the victims of this tragedy. And our work will go to ease the suffering and save the lives of the people who have had their world torn apart through violence. And when the time comes and the bloodshed is over, we will help to rebuild a brighter tomorrow as well.
We strive to keep you informed and value your participation. Together we can make a difference.
Douglas Jackson, PhD, JD
How You Can Help
We have received calls from our partners for assistance in delivering basic necessities for babies, children, women, and men. We are also preparing a shipment of life-saving medical supplies and equipment, but we need your help in making this delivery happen. Please donate using the button below to rush support to the innocents and victims in Israel.
Your donation will provide emergency medical supplies and equipment, trauma and wound care kits, child care kits, mattresses and beds to those who desperately need emergency aid right now. When you give, we will send you an email to share how your contribution is making an impact and other updates we are able to provide. Please give — your donation will make a difference.
At the heart of Project C.U.R.E. are people like you who are willing to get involved by donating or volunteering.
We're proud to say that we're ranked as one of the top charities in America by Charity Navigator, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Guidestar, Top Nonprofits, and Forbes Magazine. We have consistently been ranked a 4 star charity (4 out of 4 stars) with Charity Navigator and are recognized as Platinum level nonprofit by Guidestar. Giving through our website is fast, easy, and secure.