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Introducing Gwen Jones: Keynote Speaker for the 2023 Project C.U.R.E. Health & Hope Gala

July 7, 2023 | Julie Topka

Gwen Jones joins Project C.U.R.E. as the Keynote Speaker for the 2023 Health & Hope Gala to be held on Sunday, August 13, 2023 at the Sturm Grand Pavilion building of the Denver Art Museum.

With over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience in the United States, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Switzerland, Gwen brings a sought-after voice in today’s global marketplace. Gwen brings to the board table a fresh perspective to traditional business expectations, which not only influence return on investment and shareholder value, but also hone in on environmental and social dimensions. 

She is an engaged advisory board member of The World Food Bank whose mission is to revolutionize the agricultural markets in developing nations through an innovative investment platform that empowers stakeholders across sectors and creates efficiencies in food production and finance. Gwen is also an advisory board member to, which seeks to improve the social, environmental, and development contribution of the natural resource sector and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future. RESOLVE works to promote ethical and sustainable production, use, and re-use of natural resources and the products made with them.

Gwen also heads regional projects for PHYLA Earth working on long-term commitments to the phased regeneration of healthy and productive landscapes. Phyla’s investments into agroforestry, value-addition, and essential supporting systems help communities and landowners enhance biodiversity, build healthy soils, and mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Even though Gwen resides in the U.S.A. she continues to direct cultural and entrepreneurial activities in sub-Saharan Africa. Domestically, she co-founded and introduced a cable tensioned membrane structure concept from South Africa to the Southwest United States. From being a virgin product in a virgin market, now twenty years later shade structures have garnered wide market acceptance across all sectors. Added to this, her experience in managing international conference logistics and protocol of multiple countries from heads of state to delegates in high-pressure environments adds a vital project management component to her suite of skills.

We look forward to Gwen sharing her wealth of experience and impactful stories with us as we gather to raise money to help deliver health and hope to underserved communities around the world.

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