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Project C.U.R.E – Ethiopia Support

January 20, 2022 | Yvonne Hall

January 2022 Volunteer Lunch & Learn Update
By Sanonna Newburn

Project C.U.R.E has been able to support the country’s hospitals through C.U.R.E Cargo shipments and C.U.R.E Kit deliveries. Since August, every Project C.U.R.E warehouse has contributed to containers or kits being sent to the war areas of Ethiopia. As of January, ten containers have been shipped and six are in queue. These shipments consist of Emergency Relief Beds (ERB), disaster relief supplies, and Project C.U.R.E’s standard medical supply containers. Below are the hospitals that have been helped by Project C.U.R.E.

Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital

Amhara region, serves population of 7 million

Recieved four disaster relief shipments, one standard C.U.R.E container, and one ERB load from the Houston, Tempe, Mid-Atlantic, & Kansas City warehouses.

Dabat Primary Hospital

Northern Ethiopia, serves population of 300,000

Recieved an ERB load from the Kansas City warehouse.

University of Gondar Hospital

Northern Ethiopia, serves population of 300,000

Recieved two ERB loads from the Kansas City warehouse.

Kebridahar General Hospital

Somali region, serves population of 1.5 million

Recieved a shipment from the Mid-Atlantic warehouse.

Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital

Capital of Ethiopia, serves the entire Ethiopian population of 115 million

Recieved a shipment from the Kansas City warehouse.

Soddo Christian Hospital

South-Central Ethiopia, serves population of 200,000

Recieved multiple shipments from the Chicago warehouse.

Assella Referral Hospital

Outside of the Ethiopian capital, serves population of 110,000

Recieved shipment from Kansas City warehouse.

Finote Selam General Hospital

Amhara region, serves population of 105,000

Recieved ERB and PPE shipments from the Houston warehouse.

Fitche Regional Hospital

Central Ethiopia, serves population of 27,000

Recieved a shipment from the Kansas City warehouse.

Almost all Project C.U.R.E warehouses have supported Ethiopia through C.U.R.E Kits in addition to C.U.R.E Containers. The number of C.U.R.E Kits shipped before Christmas is 123, and 46 more are in queue. 10 of these C.U.R.E Kits were picked up from the Denver warehouse in December and were shipped to the Amhara region of Ethiopia where the major conflict is happening.

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