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Thank You Messages for Healthcare Heroes

February 18, 2021 | Yvonne Hall

Healthcare heros

Messages To Our Healthcare Heroes

There are not enough words, from someone who prides herself on words for every occasion, to say thank you for your diligence, sacrifice and determination during such an unprecedented event such as the one we are facing now. So in light of a far better phrase, thank you! You are the modern day hero! ​​- Mimi from Point Loma, CA  

You are so appreciated and a true blessing to us all. Sending so much love and strength. You are in our prayers to help guide and protect you, giving you the wisdom and courage for every second, minute, hour, and day that you are working. God Be With You. ​- Salena from Denver, CO

Thank you so much for all that you are doing!  We'll continue to pray for your safety as you serve.  God bless you all! ​- Ellyn from Chandler, AZ 

Healthcare Providers, 1st Responders and EMTs serving on the frontlines of COVID-19, it is with humility and thanks we extend our THANKS to you!!! Thank you for showing up daily in the face of fear and fighting for the health of our loved ones. Thank you for risking your lives and for continuing to stay in the fight against coronavirus. We are indebted to you!! ​- Wendy from Denver, CO 

Cheers to the compassionate and dedicated healthcare workers in this time of crisis and always! ​ - Beth from Denver, CO 

A great big THANK you to all of our health care workers sacrificing so much during this challenging time.  We are lucky to have brave men and women like you caring for our country.  SO many people are here standing behind you.  Thank you for all you do!!  - Taylor from Centennial, CO 

I'd like to thank all of our volunteer C.U.R.E. Clinics and Training participants, whether abroad or here in the U.S. in their own communities, these medical professionals selflessly provide care wherever it is needed. THANK YOU! ​​- ​Aubrey from Denver, CO 

To all you AMAZING healers in the medical field, Words are falling short right now in my trying to express the insane amount of gratitude I have for all that you ARE and DO. I will keep it light and sweet. My mother gifted me with a childhood full of blessings and one of those was “living with heart”. From dotting my “O’s” with smiley faces on kindergarten lunch bags to investing in my education and empowering me to become her first daughter to graduate from college, she “lived with heart.”   In the end, I believe that heart is at the root of everything we do and are. Thank you for being extraordinary in that detailed and grandiose “living with heart” blessing. May your health continue to always be protected and nourished by good, spirits uplifted and reenergized by truth, minds strengthened by heroic willpower, and hearts gently filled by kind love. Thank you from the bottom of my own ❤ You and your families are deep in my kind thoughts and prayers. God bless you. - Ruby and Anatoly from Chicago, IL 

Deep bows to the health care heroes who are saving lives and inspiring hope on the frontlines every day. A thank you will hardly suffice for the extraordinary circumstances and responsibilities that have been placed on your shoulders during this crisis. I just wish to take a moment and express  my deep appreciation and gratitude to our health care professionals, first responders, and anyone else on the frontlines right now and always. ​- ​Micah from Denver, CO 

Thank you for your heroic efforts today and every day as you save the lives of your patients.  Thank you for caring and your selfless endeavor to serve humankind. - Melisa from Arlington VA 

Dear medical staff and healthcare providers.  I want to convey my deepest thanks for taking care of patients today and everyday.  You are the frontline and we really appreciate you beyond what words can ever express. - Ruth from Phoenix, AZ 

Thank you for all the hard work and staying committed to help people knowing the risks involved.  I know thank you is not enough, you guys are the definition of super heroes and an inspiration to all ​- Carlos from Chicago,  IL  

Dear Ones, Thank you so much for all of your hard work!!  The compassion and heartfelt concern that you bring to each patient in your care is appreciated more than you will ever know. With Sincere Thanks for all that you do today and every day! - Bethany from Denver, CO 

THANK YOU to all the healthcare providers who are on the front lines fighting this pandemic in Chicago and worldwide. You're the true heroes taking care of our communities and saving lives every day. - ​ Beth from Chicago, IL  

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